My most popular screensaver Ice Crystal have been updated, adding support for more OS, including windows 7 64 bit. One other change is better dialog for settings. I'm curious how much you guys like this screensaver.
Suppose a company formed a city for some reason. What would you suppose that city would be like? First, pick a company, name the city, then put in whatever you want for list of traits for that city. For example, I pick McDonald's. City name: McDonald City City layout: The main street is double curved, just like arches on McDonald's logo! That street is also yellow colored, with black strips to separate lines of cars. All houses are required to have red roofs. What's fami...
Suppose a company formed a city for some reason. What would you suppose that city would be like? First, pick a company, name the city, then put in whatever you want for list of traits for that city. For example, I pick McDonald's. City name: McDonald City City layout: The main street is double curved, just like arches on McDonald's logo! That street is also yellow colored, with black strips to separate lines of cars. All houses are required to have red roofs. What's fami...
Where's "My skins"? I found something similiar but it doesnt work at all! There is way too many Boxxi skins in "my skins list" because Boxxi contains my entire nickname in it. Where is real user's own skins list with stats like one we had?
I recently uploaded a new screensaver. It just got approved, but I was wondering how long it was so I checked last skin I submitted. It was over 2 years. Man. That long.
With all politician that is from indifferent to outright anti-science view on science lately, I am getting concerned. After all, with right events and decisions, it will only take three generations to undo the science work of many generations. Now, here's my question. Do you want to be the first generation towards that? One to welcome old kind of life, including both good and bad aspects, you can't have one without other. If not, we really do need to start p...
I just finished rendering my animated wallpaper. It's in 4 multi-GB parts, in raw AVI format. However, how can I properly convert it into MPEG using some freeware program? One I found sucks. Also, my movie is rendered in 15 FPS ( no option to change it.. argh! ) and I want to double it, and also make movie animate slowly. Right now, it's not only too fast, but it's also jerky due to low FPS. Sorry about cross-posting, but since first one didn't get a reply, I thought that maybe this is ...
Wow. My Ice Crystal is finally overtaking Crystalized DesktopX object in terms of downloads. I would have thought that skin will be my #1 skin forever. People must really like my screensaver. Any of you guys using either one of those?
I have this idea for a simple game, so here are the simple rules. If you like this, post that you will join. The ordering of posts will be important later. If you want to ask questions, post away. The rules is not really fixed till second stage, so if you feel that there is a problem, post away. Basically I will start off with a single picture. The next person will modify the picture while following rules. So this repeats till last person finishes it. 1: The picture should be larg...
I always liked using Linux, and many of its solutions and designs work very well for me. That is, till there is any hint of WIRELESS. That word seems to be a bane word or what Krypton is to superman, for Linux. Wireless never worked well with Linux, and more or less all network managers manages wireless very badly. For example some network managers doesn't even support WPA. I always got frustrated with wireless, sometimes almost to point of throwing laptop out of window. Yes, TH...
For some reason, tweakvista refuses to install on my computer. It always says error 2343, but when I manually extracted the files and installed directly from MSI file, it goes fine to point then says to the effect that install is already in progress and I have to switch back to that installation, but the problem is that there is no other program running at that time? Argh! Forgot to add this... When install fails, the hard drive light stays on and busy ALL time afterwards till I reboot the...
I uploaded 2 DesktopX skins at May 8th and third one a little later, but it seems to be lost? Hmm I checked the gallery and it wasn't updated since April 29th. Looks like the query wasn't done yet.
I have a problem with the DesktopX object I am working on. That is, Reminders. I'm not sure what it should do behind reminding users on upcoming appointments. Right now, it won't remind user if reminder time is empty. Otherwise it will display an object on desktop and uses message box to remind user about the appointment. Then if it's not one-time appointment, it will sleep till next appointment date. Will this work ok for you guys? Any ideas?
Anyone else tried Ubuntu 7.04? It runs BETTER on my old 700 MHz laptop with 256 MB ram that older version! I tried turning on that feature that all windows is rendered separately then layered into desktop? I forgot what name it is for Linux version. Is it called desktop composition or something like that? It was very slow, but it was unsurprising since it have a 8 MB video card in it. I checked out Gnome, it was very nice improvement, but still very controlling on customizability, whi... This is final prototype. Everything works, other than reminder system. There are still rough spots, such as no AM/PM support for deleting appointments form, but everything should work. I am working on reminder system right now. I think it will simply spawn new object and the new object will work on its part of reminding you by itself. Makes scriping much simpler.