Hello! I finally made a new site for my programs, after some time of inactivity. Hope this helps some people find my programs, since it wasn't up at any site, in least not my own, some have helped and uploaded to sites. Im curious, however, did anyone ever use XXScroll program?
It has been a while since I made a new XX series program, but here it is. This is a new skinable screensaver called XXSvgSaver. Basically, it reads play list ini file and plays Svg files like a movie. The configurion window will be skinable in later betas, so everything will be skinable. Requirements for using XXSvgSaver: Adobe’s Svg Viewer http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/main.html .Net framework. http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework/technologyinfo/howtoget/default.aspx P...