Misc blog.
Published on July 15, 2003 By XX In WinCustomize News

I finally made a new site for my programs, after some time of inactivity.

Hope this helps some people find my programs, since it wasn't up at any site, in least not my own, some have helped and uploaded to sites.

Im curious, however, did anyone ever use XXScroll program?
on Jul 15, 2003
Good to see you're still with us. XXCalc made many a screenshot look good.
on Jul 15, 2003
OMG! Yay! I was so depressed when I couldn't get XX anymore after I formatted. I love your proggies, they are small, useful, and dependable. Thanks for the update.
on Jul 16, 2003

I tried to download xxscroll program. However the zip is 0 bytes!

What's up?
on Jul 16, 2003
unfounately the site have a download page that appears at the file's url, so if you try to use download manager, it will try to download the page not the actual file.