Differences of view on life.
Published on January 23, 2006
I posted this in reponse to person in other blog...
"I live on much less than that. I get about $6,000 a year plus about $3000 in college fin. aid. I don't feel like I'm poor at all. In fact, I got a nice laptop, computer, car and good place to live. My total monthly bill is just $600 including gas and food. Rest is spent on college bills.
The more stuff you have or want, the more you have to pay in order to support your higher standards of living. I live in little more than a room and have a good but old car that is fully paid off.
If you consider having your own apartment, car and just basic needs met such as food poor, what is bums? worse than poor?? I remember the days of living on $350 a month, in an 3 bedroom apartment with 5 other adults. I had to use bicycle to ride to store to buy food. I remember having my back hurt by hauling heavy food in the backpack and using bicycle handles to hold bags with milk jugs in it.
Considering that, I am definitely not poor now. Your standards of "poor" is much, much too high."
It's funny to me that there is such a major difference in standard of living. I have been poor most of my life. I don't consider myself poor lately, although, some (or many?) people would consider me to be very poor based on my income of just $9000 a year. That's not even 5 digit income a year.
I suspect that "poor" definition depends on person's own experence of living standards. People getting $20,000 a year may have higher standards of living and would consider owning 20 year old used car to be "poor". I may own a 20 year old car, but it runs very well and is very effective (for it's age) mileage per gallon. It's about 25 to 30 MPG, depending on weather.
It's same as place to live. I just live in a room. It's all I need to have at this point of living. I certainly will need more if I ever marry and have kids. Right now, It's all I need.
It, of course, don't mean I'm purely happy to stay at this level forever. I want improvement. I want to have a better standards of living, but that's why I'm going to college.
What do you consider poor? Why?