How to kill human rights by using a trick.
Wow! I love Bush! I loved how he went for Saddam with "evidence" for WMD.
**Ignore this part***USA economies is falling like a rock and gas prices is flying like airplane on it's takeoff.*** I was tired and made a mistake on this part.
Now with great works like those, and support for Bush on it's fatal plunge, it appears that Bush is apparently working really hard... to make his approval rate as close to zero as possible.
Apparently, this law was added to a "must-pass" bill, and as a result, it was passed into law. We really should do something about it and get rid of a major human rights loss. Ability to "annoy" everyone is a right for everyone. I don't mean harassment or something like that. II mean something like criticism and negative comments. Not only that, it states that you MUST do it with real name in account information! Being anonymous while posting "annoying" news, comments or criticism is scary part of human rights! Sometimes being anonymous is best way to reveal some serious crimes such as corruption without paying for it with life or something like that.
It's bad that the term is very ambiguous. It leave a lot of room for prejudiced judges to put "certain" people in jail. Or simply hack it and put people in jail or not depending on the mood. It can range from simply a little thing such as different view on something up to harassment. Now, harassment IS breaking law. But... being annoying or being annoyed happens every day, if not each minute. Well. We better build MUCH bigger jails or simply let other kind of criminals with minor crimes.
However, this is NOT end of it. There is one other problem we really have to take of. The problem is it was possible because of one thing: the "parasite" law inside barely or completely unrelated bill. An example: If we are passing a bill to improve parks, why do it contain a law that adds probation of junk food from school? How is those related at all? How do we fix this? I have a possible solution.
Well two possible solutions anyway...
1: Make sure ALL bills has only ONE law added, removed, or modified. No other law is added, removed, or modified.
2: Make sure ALL bills' laws IS completely related to each other, such as law for banning for junk food in school and law to add new healthy snacks.
This is dangerous thing to simply let governments pull this trick off again, again, till there is no human rights.