Misc blog.
I did some research on Patriot Act II and it is indeed extremely BAD news if you are concerned about the freedom.

"Privacy Invasions. USAPA II dramatically widens the powers of government to invade the privacy of Americans and others living here. This includes: "

"Gag Orders and Increased Governmental Secrecy. The "sunshine of public review" is a key check on abuses of governmental power. But USAPA II makes it even harder for the public to evaluate what the government is doing with its broad new powers. "

"Under USAPA II, the secret court will be able to authorize searches of individuals with no connection to foreign governments or even terrorist organizations. It will increase the length of surveillance and decrease court oversight from the already low levels set by USAPA. "

"Individual with no connection to anyone else can now be deemed an 'agent of a foreign power.' " or "Individuals can be foreign powers (sec 101). USAPA II allows an individual with no affiliation with a foreign government or a terrorist organization to be deemed a "foreign power" for purposes of FISA surveillance of that person and those associated with him or her. "

(Source in link)

This is indeed very bad news. Who cares about Bush or Kerry if our collective freedoms will be basically gone? We should work on killing this!

We must protect our freedom from already too much violation from Patriot Act, let alone Patriot act II. Our freedom is in danger.. act now!

on Oct 25, 2004
I'm surprised that nobody cares about this massive loss of rights?

I'm seriously worried about this.
on Oct 25, 2004

Reply #1 By: XX - 10/25/2004 2:10:13 AM
I'm surprised that nobody cares about this massive loss of rights?

I'm seriously worried about this.

*Everyone is screaming "safety, safety"! Well you want safety then your going to have to give something up!
on Oct 25, 2004
I was reading about this over the weekend, Unbelievable, isn't it? If they feel you are in any way linked to what they consider a terrorist group, they can just kick you out of the country forever.
I was hoping someone would post on it!
on Oct 25, 2004
I don't think you have to worry about patriot act 2. Even republicans in the senate are against this one passing.

Well you want safety then your going to have to give something up!

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." -- Benjamin Franklin

And I thought conservatives wanted to uphold the ideals of our founding fathers...
on Oct 25, 2004
If they feel you are in any way linked to what they consider a terrorist group, they can just kick you out of the country forever.

Indeed. Suppose one of my friends is a terrorist ( yeah, right... ) then I would get kicked out, even though I never supported terrorists. How about a friend of a friend is a terrorist? This is not good.

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." -- Benjamin Franklin

Yeah. I have read this one, and I really agree with this quote.
on Oct 25, 2004

Reply #3 By: WiseFawn - 10/25/2004 10:16:01 AM
I was reading about this over the weekend, Unbelievable, isn't it? If they feel you are in any way linked to what they consider a terrorist group, they can just kick you out of the country forever.
I was hoping someone would post on it!

Not so! It's for survaillance only to kick you out they have to *prove* the links. If you still think your right, I would ask you to provide links.

FISA on steroids. USAPA greatly expanded the power and scope of the once- limited secret court. In addition to the FISA provisions listed above that allow the information to be widely shared, USAPA II expands FISA authority to include:

Individual with no connection to anyone else can now be deemed an "agent of a foreign power." The FISA process of secret courts and surveillance was originally created to allow surveillance of agents of foreign governments -- spies, foreign embassy officials and others affiliated with a foreign government. It was also limited surveillance on Americans who helped foreign agents to those who broke or were likely to break U.S. law. Only persons in these two categories qualified as "agents of a foreign power" who could be subject to the secret court processes. Under USAPA II, FISA jurisdiction can be invoked in almost any situation that can be linked to international terrorism, thus circumventing the protections and openness of regular court processes. Instead of the protections of domestic law, a person is subject to FISA's broad, longer-term surveillance, reduced oversight and one-sided review before a secret court that never says no.


on Oct 26, 2004
Not so! It's for survaillance only to kick you out they have to *prove* the links.

And you're OK with them watching you like a hawk if you happened to act suspiciously?

Nevertheless, this is massive violation of American rights, and what makes USA the USA it is now. I don't want any "big brother" USA or authorian USA. What do you say to this?
on Oct 26, 2004

Reply #7 By: XX - 10/26/2004 12:52:47 AM
Not so! It's for survaillance only to kick you out they have to *prove* the links.

And you're OK with them watching you like a hawk if you happened to act suspiciously?

Nevertheless, this is massive violation of American rights, and what makes USA the USA it is now. I don't want any "big brother" USA or authorian USA. What do you say to this?

Then take your possible beating and the possible deaths of more americans because you don't want "big brother" watching you!
on Oct 26, 2004
Indeed. I certainly don't support right loss to "gain" safety. It only means more control, and possible voting in even more limits in americans lives. After all, anyone can make bombs by fertilizer and a recipe paper. Anyone can crash into buildings with lot of gas. Basically, It's too much loss for too little a gain in safety.