Misc blog.
I just got the e-mail, and it was good news.

I have been volunteering to teach a basic Windows XP class for a while, although it rarely sets up with enough people to actually start, I will start teaching a class soon, because there are enough signed up people, finally.

Well, the good news is that I am being paid to do it now. The pay is 10 bucks an hour, and about 8 hours a month. I will certainly need the extra money.

Which school or college, you say? It's neither, actually. It's organization that helps deaf or hard of hearing people. HP had donated a bunch of very nice computers and a server to help us teach them how to use computers.

Yes, I know how to communicate using American Sign Language. It's my native language, in fact. It's because I have been deaf since birth.

One thing I feel very ironic about is that I am in college to learn how to use computers, and I teach a class how to use computers. There IS a difference, however. A difference of degree. The classes I am taking is quite a bit more advanced than what I am teaching.

on May 20, 2004
Good for you! Nice to see you both helping the community and getting paid for it. Appeals to my inner Altruistic Capitalista.
on May 21, 2004

I do like teaching how to use windows xp. Even with some of misconceptions and etc.