Those ideas is public. Credit me if you want, I would be happy, but you don't have to. Only thing I really want is you to let me know if you created anything based on those ideas.
Icons ideas:
Icon set that's so blended it will show on desktop, but is partially clear yet with good visibility. Great for minimalists.
This may be good for car fans: Icon set based on driving signs. My idea is based on American signs, but with some things replaced. Maybe use exit signs such as exit 24: with icon of computer as "my computer". It may be hard to pull off, and it'll be interesting to see the results.
Abstract based: Try to create icon sets purely based on arrows. Other than certain details to differate between different file types like notepad and word, of course.
I always wanted to try this, but my WB skinning skills just isn't that good.
Basically, it's a skin that has only ONE button. Put it in top right corner, and use title bar to minimize and normal/maximize windows. Right click to minimize, double click to normalize/maximize. I had some prototypes but never went that far.
DesktopX: HMM maybe an object that can replace all icons with objects, I know DesktopX has that. It would add more advanced effects such as grouping into single icon, and single click to spread out, and other groups would go away. It may be really too hard to do, however. I would add ability to use own pictures, customize grouping, etc.
Etc: This is just too advanced for me to code.

Remove the desktop, and replace ALL icons with true vector graphics. Most icons can be done in pure vectors anyway. Even more advanced: Replace ALL icons in windows that's related with files with vectors, including ones in start menu.