Misc blog.
Published on April 13, 2005 By XX In OS Customization

My Crystalized skin just passed 10,000 downloads. I'm still amazed that it was popular (relatively, compared to my other skins).

I really need to finish the service pack that adds more features to this theme.

Anyway, anyone using this theme and likes it?

on Apr 13, 2005
Congrats XX, it really looks like very cool wallpaper, would I need to have DX installed to use just the wallpaper?

on Apr 13, 2005
Congrats XX,
on Apr 13, 2005
on Apr 13, 2005
You don't need desktopx to show wallpaper, but some elements will be missing, such as clock and rotating crystals.
on Apr 13, 2005
Ah well, thanks anyway XX, perhaps eventually I'll get DX and run it, but for now im happy with the progs I am running..
It is cool though!..LoL

Once again congrats,